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History of FasType Virtual Assistant Services

FasType Virtual Assistant Services began in 1997 in Tampa, Florida, as FasType Secretarial Services. Kitty Bridges began providing secretarial services to small companies and church organizations from her home. But soon FasType's products and services were in such demand that Bridges started full-time and began to explore the information available on the Internet and offering services to clientele on a global scale.

One year later, FasType formed a co-op, employing local stay-at-home Moms and Dads to rotate the clerical work with the child care. What a success!

FasType has grown and evolved its technology, staff and its name to be a powerful presence in the market. The co-op in Tampa continues on and Kitty Bridges has begun a new operation in West Tennessee. If you are interested in joining our team, visit the "What's New" page for employment opportunities.

Sample Project Ideas

Tape Transcriptions, Masters students (taped interviews, actual thesis)
Church Newsletters, more cost-effective for local organizations
Personal Shopper, For the Busy Mom or the Busy Executive. Remember birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
Economical Marketing Materials, Brochures, Flyers, and more for the SOHO in your community

Mission Statement

FasType Virtual Assistant Services is committed to providing quality, reliable and convenient services.

E-mail Us

Want to send us a brief note? webmaster@kittybridges.freeservers.com

Location / Phone Numbers

Kitty Bridges



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